Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Who Knew (Yo Quiero Taco Bell)

L2's birthday was last week. Having a January birthday so close to Christmas is hard. He never knows what he wants because he just got everything he wanted for Christmas! So after asking him like a billion times what he wanted, he finally told us that he wanted ...

a unicycle...

2 nights before his birthday.


Did you realize that unicycles are coming back in? Apparently, they are because several of his friends got one for Christmas! I thought only clowns liked unicycles. Who knew? Anyway, since it was only 2 nights before the big day and Just where do you buy a unicycle, is there such thing as a unicycle store?, he was not going to get his gift on his big day. He also had never made up his mind what he wanted to do on his big day, so being the fantastic , always superfun mom that I am, I planned nothing. He gets up the morning of his birthday and I am up, which is one of his gifts, because I DON'T DO MORNINGS, and I tell him Happy Birthday with as much hoopla as I could muster at that time of the morning. I had set 2 of his other presents on the kitchen counter so that he could open them and his birthday card before school. He opened the first one, a cool rock t-shirt, then the second one, a pair of running shoes (on his Christmas wish list) and then had the most crest-fallen face I have ever seen on a birthday boy. My heart sank and my smile faded. I said, what's the matter? Don't you like the shoes? and he just sighs and shakes his head, like, oh mom, you have so much to learn about what a teen boy really wants. So much for birthday glee before school. That afternoon we asked him, where would you like to go for your birthday dinner? (Our tradition) No where he sighs. So what do you want then? Crab legs I guess. So we fix crab legs and he eats them half-heartedly. By now, his melancholy mood is wearing on us. We cut his cake and still, nothing. We print out the picture of the unicyle that will be arriving for him, because we didn't tell him we ordered one, nothing. So, his dad offers to take him shopping. No set limits, just let's go and see what you would like to have to make you feel extra special on your birthday. L2 decides on Super Walmart. They walk all over the store from one end to the other and

This is what he comes home with:

Big smiles, jumping up and down, shouts of these are so cool, where are the tortillas and cheese! Who knew all he wanted was Taco Bell? To think I could have made his whole day if only I had run out to Walmart the night before his birthday and spent a whopping $18 for a quesadilla maker. Apparently, I DON'T know ANYTHING about what a teen boy wants! I will note that for G's birthday when he becomes a teen.

Here he is with his BIG present that came yesterday. He was pretty excited about it too!


  1. It always amazes me what kids like. You spend time and money coming up with the perfect gift.... and they play with the box (or quesadilla maker)

  2. M,

    Brad got a Magic Bullet for his b-day this year and you should have seen his face! You would have thought it was a million dollars. He loves that thing. (I rather enjoy it myself.)

