Monday, March 9, 2009

Riding for a cure!

Well, it's almost that time again! Time for me to bike from Houston to Austin (180 miles) to raise money for the cure for MS. I have ridden in an MS 150 five times now. I started doing the ride to honor my surgery professor from vet school. He had the disease while I was in vet school and yet he was there every day, teaching students how to do surgery. He died about 10 years after I graduated. After that first ride, I discovered how many people I know are personally affected by MS, either themselves or a family member. So, now I ride in honor of someone new every year, but also all the others I have ridden for in the past as well. The ride this year is April 18-19, 2009.

About MS
Multiple sclerosis is a progressive neurological disorder that affects people in many different ways. It could be paralysis one day, loss of vision the next or impaired memory the day after that. Living with MS means living with uncertainty.

When it comes to MS, only two things are certain:
Another American is diagnosed every hour of every day and
Many people are joining the movement toward a world free of MS including me.

Why I Ride

I've registered for the BP MS 150 to fulfill a personal challenge, and also to help the National MS Society fund research, advocate for change and to help people with MS and their families lead powerful lives. I believe in the work they do and want to be part of it.

Let’s Move Forward Together
The Society’s chapters organize 100 Bike MS events nationwide. The BP MS 150 ride is the largest non-profit event of its kind in North America with 13,000 cyclists, 3,000 volunteers and countless supporters and spectators. They’re great fun and the funds they raise go toward research aimed at treating and eventually curing MS. They also provide education, information, direct financial aid and scholarships to individuals and families living with MS.

I’m helping the National MS Society move forward toward a world without MS.

Please join me!

Here is a link to my fundraising site if you would like to donate.

Thank you for your support!

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