Thursday, February 26, 2009

Typhoid Mary Update

I went to the doctor yesterday...finally, only to find out I have a viral bronchitis that basically responds to nothing and just has to run its course. She then proceeded to tell me it can last over a month!! They gave me a steroid shot to try and quiet the inflammation in my lungs and a prescription for a numbing agent to quiet the cough. Neither have seemed to do anything at all. If anything, I think I am coughing more. Although I do feel less achy than before the shot so at least that's something. Nobody at work wants to be around me for fear of catching it too. Thank goodness I wear a mask and gloves most of my time at work, so I shouldn't be spreading around too many germs. It's also a good thing that I work in a different office every day, because by the end of the day, I am sure they are all sick of hearing me hack my head off. So, I don't have anything more to post for now. I have some vet lessons in the works, but just am not up to putting them together yet. So, hold fast gentle readers...did I actually type that? Perhaps the steroids have affected me more than I thought.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tales from the crypt

I can't seem to shake this crud that I have. I feel like I have been ran over by a truck and I sound like I am dying a slow horrible death by coughing up a lung! I think it has progressed to bronchitis and I am going to have to go to the doctor and get checked out tomorrow hopefully. I haven't worked out in 2 days and don't foresee being able to for at least another couple of days. This has thrown a wrench in the spokes of my training plan, and I hope it won't put me too far behind target for my first race on April 4Th. Unfortunately, I am worried that hubby and son #3 are also coming down with something, as they both have sore throats and some congestion starting.

In other news, do you think these two may possibly be friends now?

They aren't. They just had a moment I guess, or else the fact that Dudley bothers Jitter even more than Huck she decided he wasn't so bad. Actually, he was on the bed first and he, unlike her, is willing to share.

And just a couple of pics to show you what an animal lover my L2 really is! These are so precious! The first one is of him actually sleeping in the pen with Dudley and Sassy when I first brought them home. (Sassy is his sister that went to live with my friend, L)

Hopefully, tomorrow I will have a vet lesson, or at least something more interesting than the family crud!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Come on...cough it up!

Can I just say that my ribs, my back and my stomach muscles are killing me? They are, and NOT from a great work-out either, but from almost non-stop coughing for the past week. You know the saying, coughing up a lung? Well, I will be pictured in the encyclopedia next to that term's entry in the next edition of Britannica. I must say that I am well known for having a cough that sounds like an 80 yr old, 4 packs a day smoker, and it is really annoying, not only to everyone else, particularly my husband, but to me also. I was once asked to leave a meeting because I was coughing so much, nobody could speak loud enough to be heard. Pretty embarrassing really! Needless to say, I didn't make it to church today because I didn't want Pastor Al to have to stop the sermon and ask me to leave! I seem to get this cough usually just once a year, thank goodness, but it always seems to last for a couple of weeks. I don't go to the doctor for it, I just deal with it till my family and my throat/muscles can no longer handle it, then I just take Mucinex to try and clear it up. I am not a huge fan of medication, despite my profession. I think I touched on this when L1 was sick and I was hesitant to put him on antibiotics (and by the way, he was better on his own in 3 days). So, here is hoping that this will be the last week of it and that the Mucinex does its job! It's really hard to run and bike when you are coughing up a lung!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

One down, five to go

L1 and I made our first college visit road trip today. It was an early start for us on a chilly Saturday morning. We visited Texas State in San Marcos and it is a 3 hour plus drive so we had to leave by 6 am. Which means we had to get up at 5 am. On a Saturday. Morning. Ugh. Unfortunately, it was an overcast, cool windy day. Neither of us had ever been to TSU before and we were pleasantly surprised. I thought it was going to be a small college with a somewhat junior college feel, but I couldn't have been more wrong. The student enrollment is over 28,000 students and the campus is a pretty decent size. It is also quite hilly, so you really get quite the work-out going from place to place. The college is a pretty strong liberal arts school, which is good since L1 plans on majoring in history and at least minoring, if not double majoring in theatre. The theatre building just underwent a $2 million renovation last year and it was very nicely done. We met one of the academic advisers for each of the two schools he will be in, and they were very helpful. We found out about the swim team, the history major, the theatre major/minor, visited a dorm, walked the campus, and went to the student rec center to check out the pool and other facilities. Surprisingly, he seemed to really like the school. He had briefly considered majoring in pre-med, that is till he found out he would have to do 4 more years of sciences, including one in physics, and he absolutely can't stand his physics class. His father is disappointed, but I am glad, because I knew it wasn't his passion. He was being driven more by the decimal place in the salary than a yearning to help people. So, anyway, it was a very fun day and I am looking forward to the next two at the end of March.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Crate Success Story

Yesterday morning, I put Frankie and Huck in their crates, turned on the ceiling fan to keep them cool and the radio to keep them company and left for work. Six hours later I came home to find this.

I wish you guys could have all seen me doing the happy dance! No newly shredded walls, baseboard, windowsills or chair rail in sight. Nary a one!! No torn up crate doors, battered wire panels, broken teeth or raw noses from fighting the crate. Just calm, VERY GOOD dogs, lying in their crates waiting for me to let them out for some lovin' and of course, a potty break! Now that's what I'm talkin' about! I LOVE to give 'em some lovin' instead of screaming my head off about what they have destroyed. Hopefully, this will be the happily ever after ending I've been wanting.

In case some of you are curious, and even if you aren't, I'm explaining it anyway. The two giant crates are for Huck and Dudley. I have a regular size crate for Frankie, which right now is beside my bed for Dudley to sleep in at night. I take Dudley to work with me to potty train him (6 hours is too long for an 8 week old puppy to "hold it"). When he is completely potty trained, he will go in the other giant crate and I will put Frankie's cage in the office along with the other two. Our office is going to feel like I am at work, since it will look like a vet clinic dog ward! So, all in all, I am ecstatic about how this is turning out. And, life with 3 1/4 dogs (the chihuahua can't be counted as a whole dog) is pretty darn good now!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What a CRATE day!

Dudley went to work with me today for the first time. I take my pups to work with me everyday until they are potty trained. I came home to find these at the back door.

Woo Hoo!! I was so happy, because I am really sick of doing this every morning,

yet still coming home to see this.

and no that isn't old damage, it is the new damage from today! The flash is kind of bright, but the wood from the chair rail is completely missing down to the drywall on the right side!

I decided to put them in the office since there really is no other place I can put both of them because they are so huge. So I rearranged the office a bit to accommodate both new dog garages. L1 helped me put them together lickety split and here they are all beautiful, black and wiry.

They are so big that they make Huck look like a little puppy. I could fit two of him in one, so he has plenty of room to grow! I hope that they are going to be the saving grace for my house. I will let you know! And just to remind you what it is all for...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Global warming protest

Literally thousands showed up in the northern arctic circle for the million man march against the claim of global warming...

Sorry, I just couldn't resist. The whole global warming thing is such a farce!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Puppy Pics Post

Dudley is a little clone of Huck. He does all the same things he does. He pounce runs, he plays with cans, he kicks things with his front feet, he barks at Jitter then runs away when she growls back and he loves everybody. The only difference is he is much bigger than Huck was at the same age and he can hardly see for all the wrinkles! I picked both of them up the day they turned 8 weeks old. Huck weighed 15 lbs, Dudley weighs 23 lbs. Logan just loves him but keeps getting mad at Huck for being so rough. Huck doesn't understand why he can't play full out with Dudley like he does Frankie. He is still a puppy too afterall, but he doesn't realize his size (115 lbs). As you can see though, he can be gentle and loving with his little brother too!

It's pretty much this...

then this...

then this...

then this...

all day long.

He is doing well so far. Only two potty accidents in the house, both of them wet only, and just a little whining in the night. We all just love him!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day to me!

I had one of the best Valentine's Days I can recall in... well, forever. It usually is such a non-holiday in this house other than a small candy treat for the boys from us.

Last night I went and picked up my my most favorite VD present EVER and technically, since I did not get it home till after midnight,it was VD by then. Here is that precious present.

Little (big) mister Dudley, is another blog post all unto himself. More on him and the rest of the pack tomorrow.

This morning I had a training duathlon race. This was my first "race" of the season and I beat my best time of last year, so that was good.

My hubby got me this and these. Well, I should probably clarify that. I went to VS and bought those things and brought them home. Here is how the conversation went.

me: Honey, I bought this super cute sport outfit for you to give me for VD. It is already in a gift bag with tissue and everything.

him: Oh, good. (said in that dripping with sarcasm voice they seem to reserve just for us) Well, what did you get me for VD?

me: Well, that's the beauty of it honey, now you get to go shop for your own gift and you can get exactly what you want!

him: Oh, OK (rolling eyes). Well, I don't want anything.

A little while later...

me: Honey, I just love the outfit you got me. It's so cute! Thank you so much!

him: I am glad you like it so much. I rarely get you something, let alone something you like.

But my sweet hubby actually did fix us this for dinner.

complete with baked potatoes and steamed asparagus (Yum Yum). And I topped it off with this (more yum).

Just a taste of chocolate really, so as not to ruin the whole training plan.

We went to the boys hockey game in the evening and even though they lost, our boys played very well. So, all in all, it was a very memorable Valentine's Day if I do say so myself.

Friday, February 13, 2009

No swim for him

Well, it is official, L1 missed the prelims of the regional swim meet today at U of H. He was still running a fever at 7 pm last night of 102.5. I called his coach and they were going to give his spot to an alternate. That kids prayers were answered and I hope whoever he is, he does well. L1 seems to be taking it in stride though I am sure he is bummed inside. Isn't it just Murphy's law that a kid who never gets sick, would catch a virus at just this time? Have I told you before that I hate Murphy? Anyway, he is feeling better today and woke up with a temp of 99.1, so yeah for that. Hopefully, he will be good as new by the time school starts on Tuesday. He hates that he missed 3 days of school already, which means lots of make-up work, but thank goodness he gets an extra day of recovery this weekend with having Monday off for Presidents Day. I will say that I was pretty perturbed yesterday at the doctors office when I called to get him in and they said they couldn't see him. No appointments, nope, not with his regular doctor, nor any of the 8 other doctors there! As a veterinarian, if we turned away a dog that was sick, I don't think people would come back to us. Especially, if it was a client that we have had for over 10 years, like L1 has been going to his same pediatrician for over 10 years! It is just like my friend J recently said, doctors treat you like a number, not a person. I miss those bygone days of small communities where everyone felt like family and you felt that you really mattered.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Taking my own advice

You know, veterinarians, or at least me in particular, are like the mechanic whose own cars are overdue for oil changes or the cardiac doctor who is overweight and smokes. We just don't always practice what we preach. I always tell people with a new puppy about the wonderful benefits of crate training. It keeps a puppy safe from household dangers and it keeps the house safe from puppy dangers. But do my own dogs have crates? Oh no, of course not. My dogs will act perfect because they are owned by a veterinarian. Well, I totally realized that they are NOT perfect and in fact, were not only going to ruin my house completely but also wreck my relationship with them when I came home to see this

and this

and this

and this

Now, mind you I had talked with my friend J just not that long ago and even got the information for where she bought her giant dog crate for Gabby (Huck's sister). But, I figured I could solve the problem much cheaper with a giant dog bone for Huck to chew on instead of my woodwork. I mean look at the size of this bone!!

He could chew on it to his heart's content and leave the house trim alone. Problem solved. He would be happy to have something to occupy his mouth and I would be happy it wasn't part of the house. I even bought Frankie a smaller version, so they would each have their own bone. And that worked great...until Frankie ate all of his bone, cause it was smaller, after all, he is a smaller dog. Then, today, I came home to find Frankie hovering over Huck's bone and growling every time Huck came near. So Huck decided to chew up the woodwork instead! Mistake...BIG BIG mistake. So now, they get to stay in these whenever I am gone.

I ordered two of them today and they can't get here soon enough. I know it isn't cruel, I sing crate praises all the time. They stay out of trouble and you keep a loving, positive relationship with your dog. I just wish learning this valuable lesson didn't cost so much! The cost of replacing the woodwork, painting the new woodwork, repairing the wall, plus the cost of 2 GIGANTIC dog crates, since I am getting Dudley on Sunday, and of course, he is getting one too! Yikes! But hey, in the long run, I know the crates will at least pay themselves off in the saved damages and I can feel proud that I now truly believe in and indeed take my own advice.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cough and Fever and Chills...Oh My!

L1 is sick. Very sick. Not just that 24 hour kind of sick. He started with a cough on Monday, deep in his chest. Tuesday he came home with a serious headache. Then this morning he came home after swim practice and had a high fever and an extremely sore throat. I am probably responsible by jinxing him. I had just been commenting the other day that our family is pretty healthy, usually lucky enough to avoid the various bugs that travel around our schools and workplaces. The really sad thing for him is that the Regional Swim Meet that he qualified for is this Friday. Right now he can't even breathe when he is swimming, that is if we can even get his fever to break enough for him to get in the water. I feel so bad for him and he is so sad and scared that he won't be better in time. He also hates missing any days from school. He usually has perfect attendance because he has a good immune system and he hates to try and catch up with all that he would miss. I really think what he has is a virus but his dad always thinks antibiotics will fix any hint of illness. That is so not true! I'm not sticking this kid on antibiotics just because I have access to them. That type of misuse of antibiotics by the general public is what has resulted in super infections, which is bacteria that are immune to the most common antibiotics out there and in some cases, to all antibiotics. I am a conservative vet myself when it comes to putting animals on drugs and I am the same with my kids. I think that rest, lots of fluids, Vitamin C and some ibuprofen to help with the aches and fever will do the trick. I just pray God will speed up the process of healing just a wee bit so he doesn't miss his meet. I don't want him to have shaved his head for naught!

Monday, February 9, 2009

College Road Trip

I can't believe how fast 16 1/2 years can just fly by! I find myself fast forwarded from being a young mother of one cute, sweet little boy, to a mother of a young man ready to make some major decisions about his future and where he wants to go to college. I find the whole thing exciting, but scary at the same time. That isn't even enough of a description, I am overwhelmed with so many different feelings going through me and then fleeting that I can't even name them all.

I don't remember having to do all the work that is now required to go to college back when I was going to college. I knew what I wanted to be from the age of 5, knew which college in my home state of Indiana that had a vet school, applied to that one school without ever making a trip to visit the campus, took my SAT without any type of prep classes and that was that. I went there for my 8 years and graduated being what I always wanted to be. Now, everyone goes and visits colleges because the choices are so vast, you have to take prep courses for the SAT's so you can go to the college you want and/or you have to be in the top 10% of your class to go to some of the more popular state schools. We aren't even talking the Ivy League here! We have to figure out how to jump through financial aid hoops. He has to write essays to apply. He is signed up to take an SAT prep course, he has a book on how to take the SAT. He is taking it in the spring so that if he needs to get a better score, he can take it again in the summer and still be able to meet the college application deadlines. I feel overwhelmed just trying to keep up with all the information and I am an adult professional, I can't imagine a young kid trying to do all of this on their own.

So, we will be making our first road trip to check out Texas State in San Marcos in a couple weekends from now. That will be the first of six college road trips that we will make that I know of for sure. I kind of find it frustrating that L1 isn't sure what he would like to do with his life, other than be an actor. He knows that is such a long-shot, that he is going to major in something else (his choice not mine), but he doesn't know what that something else is. I just tell him that I think the most important thing is that he has a passion for what career he chooses. I don't want him to choose something just because it guarantees a certain salary or lifestyle. I have seen that doesn't make people happy, but being passionate about what you do does. I absolutely love what I do and I want him to have that same fervor about what he will do. I also don't want him to make rash decisions based on the popularity of a particular school or where his friends may go. And truth be told, it is hard for me, very hard, not to make the choices for him. But he isn't a baby anymore and I am not choosing what I should make him for breakfast. I can only guide him and try to give him as much information and support as I can and pray that he will make the right decision for himself. Man oh man, it is hard to let go. I hope it gets a bit easier with the other two.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

American Idle?

I just got back from a run that nearly killed me. I decided to get a coach this year to see if I could improve on my triathlon times. I had to run 7 miles today (the farthest I have ever ran in my life) and despite the fact that the run portion of the triathlons I do are never over 3.1 miles! This was after biking 42 miles yesterday. I'm not sure what that is all about, but that is why I have a coach I guess. Anyway, when I was out running I started thinking about how many people in my community are really fit yet the percentage of obese people in the US has now exceeded the percentage of people who are merely overweight. More than 34% are obese, just under 6% are morbidly obese and 32.7% of Americans are overweight. The percent of Americans who exercise on a regular basis (at least 3 times/week) is under 50% and those over the age of 15 who exercise daily is only 16%. Around here it seems like everyone is active. All three of my sons are involved in organized sports (one swimmer and two play hockey), my hubby lifts weights (3x/wk) and I train (6 days/wk)to do triathlons! Four of my neighbors just ran the half marathon, our triathlon club has over 100 members and our cycling group has nearly as many. The gym is crowded on a regular basis, though especially now at the beginning of the year, and the local YMCA fun run this past Saturday was a huge success with over 2000 people either running, jogging or walking the route. I have other friends who are tennis players, yoga instructors, golfers, and gym rats. So where do the obese live and what is needed to encourage kids to start exercising young so that it becomes a lifelong habit? Is it that the food they intake is more than their output, even if they are somewhat active? Is it the kinds of foods they eat? Do people not exercise because they think there is no time or because they don't like to do it? I can't say I always enjoy the physical rigors of my training, but I love the feeling I have when I am done.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Steeped Shaved in Tradition

L1 had his district meet for varsity swimming yesterday. This was his chance to earn his letter jacket in swimming. He had to get at least in the top 6 to move onto regionals and earn his letter. Here he is on the blocks and ready to go in the 100 Free.

You would think that I was up on the blocks to compete because I get a major adrenaline rush and feel like I am going to throw up when I see him standing up there. He was just out-touched my the swimmer next to him for 4th place, but he got 5th place, a new personal record time, his letter jacket AND he gets to go to regionals! He was so excited and I was super excited for him.

Here he is with his good friend E, who also managed to get his letter in the same event, finishing just behind L1.

After all the meets it is a tradition for the boys to go to Cici's for some major pizza chowing down time. After that they went to one swimmer's house for celebration and when L1 came home, this is what he looked like!!

My jaw dropped to the floor. I mean, he isn't even going into the military or anything. All the beautiful, crunchy, bleached and damaged swimmer hair....gone! And, oh my, the ears, and the nose. Does lack of hair always make those features more, shall I say, noticeable? I am told it is absolutely necessary to do this as it has been tradition as long as anyone can remember and of course, it helps them win at regionals. Whatever, I am just glad it will grow back soon. Until then, I think I'm going to buy him a cool selection of hats!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Daddy Day Care

Hank is Huck and Dudley's dad. He is a great dog and an even better Daddy. He gives them pep talks on how to play well with others.

He spends some one on one time with each of them to make them feel special.

He teaches them how to wrestle and have good social skills.

He's just an all around jungle gym for them.

But we all know that kids just get away with a lot more when Daddy is in charge of day care!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Vet Lesson 102: It's Not a Tumor

Actually, it's two tumors. Yesterday, I saw a 12 yr old Golden Retriever to remove 2 tumors from her, a huge one about the size of a grapefruit on her left thigh and one on her right ankle about the size of a walnut. Here is a picture of each of them.

Actually masses can be either cysts or tumors. Cysts are hollow masses filled usually with sebaceous (skin) debris and they are benign, though they can grow. Tumors are solid masses that can be classified as either benign or malignant(cancerous). Most people want to know when they should have tumors removed from their dog or cat. I have different recommendations for each. Tumors in cats are usually not good, so if you find one on your cat, you should take it to your veterinarian to have it evaluated and removed. If you find a mass on your dog, I recommend that you 1. Watch for it to grow. Rapid growth usually indicates a more serious tumor and it should be removed quickly. 2. If a mass is slow growing and is in an area that has plenty of extra skin, then you can just continue to watch it. However if it starts growing, changing shape or firmness, or color, then you should have it checked out and possibly removed. 3. If you find a mass in an area that has very little extra skin (i.e., feet, legs, ears, eyelids, tail, nose) you should have it removed. If the mass does grow it may be impossible to remove it completely AND have enough skin to close the incision, which is what happened in this dog with the one on the ankle. The one on the hip was equally difficult to remove because of how large it was and it was attached to her thigh muscle. In this case, both of these were benign tumors, however, they can still locally recur (come back) if they are not removed completely. It is easier to remove masses completely the smaller they are. This picture shows the size of the two masses in comparison to someones thumb.

I actually could not remove all of the mass on the thigh because I would have had to take too much skin and muscle. This would have affected the dog's ability to walk and my ability to close the incision. This dog will most likely have this mass come back in the same area because it was let go for too long. Even though it is benign, the dog will have to endure surgery again and the pain of losing some more muscle as well.

So, the lesson is, if you find a mass on your dog or cat, don't just assume

"It's NOT a tumor"!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Pushing his luck

Yesterday I came home to find this face looking at me when I came in the door.

It has GUILT written all over it, doesn't it? So I went in search of what he was guilty about and I found this.

I am seriously considering giving him blunt force trauma to his posterior quarter (kicking his butt)! I didn't of course, but after much yelling, he pretty much acted like the rest of my kids and did this.

I get no respect. But I am going to put a shout out to my good friend J and plead with her to give me the number for the place where she bought her dog garage. For my sake and for Huck's.

Of course, nothing he has done makes me feel less excited about getting this one too!

Monday, February 2, 2009

You Got a Fast Car

The other day we could hear something that sounded just like an Indy race car outside our house. L2 and G came leaping down several stairs at a time screaming that the neighbor has a Lamborghini! Since we don't live in THAT kind of neighborhood, I just couldn't believe it. But sure enough, they run across the street to see this.

It turns out the neighbor was picking it up from a dealer to deliver it to a friend of his in Mexico that has 12 of them! Yep, T W E L V E. Cars. That cost between $600,000 and $1 mil. EACH! That is some kind of ridiculous! Seriously, if you have so much money to blow that you can waste it on 12 cars that each alone cost more than everything we own all put together, you have way too much money. I would hope that if I were that rich I would not flaunt it to that extreme! But, the boys being boys just thought it was the coolest thing EVER! The neighbor took each of them for a ride. They loved it, but I wasn't very happy, nor were the neighbors probably, cause the car was doing about 70 mph down a neighborhood street!

Anyway, I am not all that into cars, but I can tell you that I would NOT want a car that had a see-through hood. I can't keep my glass top tables clean from dust and dog drool, I certainly wouldn't be able to keep up with bugs and bird poo!

I guess it's clear so that you can see the super cool engine....whatever! Do engines really look that different or that cool? Apparently, testosterone is required to be able to notice these things.

L2 says he could get used to driving one of those. He does look rather like a natural in it. G said he didn't want to waste that kind of money on a car, he wants a junker car that he can drive recklessly and trash. Great! I'm really looking forward to that one having his drivers license!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

We Now Interrupt the Superbowl

I don't normally watch much regular season football, but I like the playoffs and I LOVE to watch the Superbowl. I like the commercials and I love to root for the underdog...always (Go Cardinals)! I made sure I did my run early today so that I could be home to watch every single bit of it. Huck wanted to sit in my lap and watch with me.

Seriously, I do NOT know how much longer he is going to be able to do this!

Anyway, I loved how they honored the flight crew from the plane crash into the Hudson river. They deserved it and I was so happy that they did that for them. Faith Hill did a good job with America the Beautiful and Jennifer Hudson gave me cold chills singing the National Anthem!

I hated that the Steelers scored on their first possession, but at least they reversed the touch down and they only got a field goal instead. The first commercial that I thought was funny was the Doritos commercial where the guy has a crystal ball. He shows the ball to a co-worker and then asks the ball if there are going to be free Doritos in the office today. Then he proceeds to throw the crystal ball through the glass front of the vending machine full of Doritos. He says, "I think that was a YES" The co-worker later has the ball and then he says I want to know if I am going to get that promotion? Then he turns and throws the crystal ball and hits the boss man in the, you know. The first guy says, "I think that answer is a NO"! LOL

I was also excited to see the trailer for The Land of the Lost. Did any of you ever watch that show when you were a kid? Marshall, Will and Holly, the Sleestak and the pylons! I loved that show!! I had no idea they were going to make it into a movie. I am kind of surprised that Will Farrell will be playing Marshall. I don't think the show is really a comedy, other than the poor F/X that they had back in the day! So, I am totally going to go see the movie!

I love all the Bud commercials. They aren't really all that funny, but I just love those gigantic Clydesdales. Giant dogs, giant horses, need I say more? I love the one where the Clydesdale stallion runs across the country to the song "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" to find his love (an Arabian dancing mare). You know that was totally a chic commercial, thrown in for us ladies who watch the game.

Back to the game and into the second quarter, Arizona has possession and then...

it thunders outside and the power went off! That's right, no power, no game, no commercials, no half-time, no nothing. Our power grid has never been the same since they fixed it after Hurricane Ike. So every single time there is the slightest thunderstorm, we lose our power. So, we sat in the dark looking at this.

From 6:28pm till 7:37pm. We were terribly excited as I am sure you can imagine!! Seething inside and complaining like crazy was more like it. I sure hope I can go back and see the half time show on the internet, but it won't be the same even if I can. And what about my 3D glasses, am I EVER going to be able to see those commercials that promised some good 3D action?

So, the power came back on in the second half of the game and it proved to be pretty exciting. Everyone predicted that Arizona was just going to be killed by Pittsburgh, but they kept it close and I thought they had it, if only they had stopped the touchdown on Pittsburgh's last possession. I do think that they called more penalties on Arizona over Pittsburgh and that didn't help any either. I also thought they might have it again, and I think that the last play by AZ was NOT a fumble, but an interception, but no matter. The final score was 27-23. Pittsburgh won their 6Th Superbowl which was a record in NFL history. I think the players of the game for Arizona were definitely Larry Fitzgerald for making some great catches and Dockett who made some pretty good sacks on Roethlisberger. So, another season over and I am sad for AZ, but they played a really good game and they should be proud of themselves.