Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Back but busy!

Well, we got back from Colorado on Sunday and I just have to jump right back into things with both feet. I got in a 45 mile bike ride after we got home to get some time in the saddle. The MS 150 is creeping up on me fast and I AM NOT PREPARED! 45 miles is the most I have ridden at one time and the ride is over 150 miles and in less than a month! YIKES!!! I got up at 5:30 am this morning because Huck would not stop pacing around the bedroom. Turns out he peed all over the room and who knows why. He doesn't have a UTI, so I don't know if he drank too much water yesterday or what, but I am praying he doesn't have any more of those episodes tonight. Do you know how big the bladder is on a 120 lb. horse??? Quite large!! It takes many many towels to clean it all up!! He does have an ear infection which I am treating so that he will stop shaking his head and flapping his big ole' ears all night too!! Geesh, leave him in a kennel for a week and he falls apart. Poor boy! Frankie was fine, just FAT!! Dudley is fast catching up to Huck and will likely pass him in the next few months. I weighed him today and he was 44 lbs. at only 13 weeks!! I will have a pony and a small draft horse soon! LOL

I am working this week, trying to get in more training, getting ready for family visitors later in the week and getting ready to take L1 to visit some colleges on Friday and Saturday, along with my sister and niece. So....all that to say, I may not post for a couple of days. I should be in bed over an hour ago as it is....life, it hits you hard! Isn't that some commercial line or something?

Peace Out!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Bears , oh my!

Yesterday we went to the Denver Zoo. The weather was really warm and it was a LOT of walking. I was exhausted by the time it was over. I prefer to see the zoo from one of those trams that drives you to each enclosure and then the guide tells you some interesting information about the animal and then you move on. Unfortunately, we just had to trudge along walk. Anyway, the animals at the Denver Zoo are really close and there were lots of them that were very active, so I got quite a few good pictures.

Somehow, I just don't think that the zoo had the same effect on the kids as Boondocks, just look at these faces!

I guess we should have done the zoo first!

Dudley stayed with G&G and played with his cousin dogs. Here is a video of them.

Untitled from Melanie Kerschbaum on Vimeo.

This morning, L2 wanted to go fishing down at the lake in Evergreen, so hubby and I hopped in the car and took him down and I ran the trail around the lake while they fished. I am hoping that this high altitude training is going to help me in my race in two weeks. All this pain and hard work HAS to pay off in some way!! I ran around the lake 3 times and it was a 4.3 mile run, which is the closest thing I have had to my normal training routine all week! L2 was successful and he caught two rainbow trout. He brought them home and grilled them and shared them with Grampa and G (son 3) for lunch. Here he is with his first catch.

Gramma, my SIL, Linda, my SIL (to be), MaryJean and I all went out for a girls day out of lunch and boutique shopping. We went to Bear Creek Inn in Kittredge for lunch. It is a really rustic little place right on the bend of Bear Creek and we sat right at the windows where we could see out while we dined.

Here is a picture of us. (me, MJ, Linda, Gramma from left clockwise)

So, our week has come to an end here in Colorado. It's time to head back to the flatlands. We are going to be leaving in the morning, so I won't be posting till next week probably since it is a 2 day drive. Hope all of you have had a terrific week, and if you haven't, then my hope for you is that next week will be better!

Peace Out!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It IS a Revolt!

Yesterday morning I woke up and I couldn't move my neck. I couldn't tilt my head back without supporting it because my neck muscles felt like I had a severe case of whiplash. Today, I woke up and not only is my neck hurting, but other muscles that I never knew I had are in revolt! We are trying to decide what to do today, either the zoo or hiking and I am thinking I need to decide between a deep tissue massage or the hospital!

Yesterday morning, G&G had a project to be done. They needed a rotten deck torn out so that a concrete one can be poured in its place, so L2, being the hard worker that he is decided he would go tackle it.

My hubby and father-in-law went to help. They quickly got it all done. Here is a three generation picture of my FIL, hubby and L2 working hard.

Anyway, yesterday early afternoon my SIL and dogs and I did a brisk 2 mile walk (pain or not I still have a triathlon in 2 weeks) and then hubby and I took the boys to a family fun center called Boondocks, north of Denver. For those of you from the Houston area, it is kind of like Mountasia only way bigger. From 4-10 pm you could get an unlimited ticket and play as much miniature golf, go-carts, laser tag, and bumper boats as you want. It also came with a bunch of tokens for the arcade games inside. The boys had a total blast! They played several rounds of golf, rode the go-carts too many times to count, and won so many tickets, particularly L2 on the games, that they each came away with several of those cheap cheesy prizes. Hubby and I just watched and took pictures. I did ride the roller coaster simulator with L1 though. It wasn't NEARLY as exciting as the real thing, although it also did not hurt my neck like the real ones, so that was a plus. I LOVE roller coasters!! Anyway, I digress, here are some pictures of the evening.

My in-laws all think Dudley has grown just since we have been here. He did graduate to a bigger collar yesterday. Look at the size of his paw in my hand and he is just 12 weeks old.

Here he is sleeping.

Is he the cutest thing ever or what?!

So, it's time for me to decide what to do now. I am really voting for the massage, but hubby and the boys are going for the zoo. More on our adventures later.

Peace out!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Rocky Mountain High

We spent the day at Loveland Basin. Hubby decided not to ski because he has already been having some issues with his back and a knee, but he was sweet enough to drive us there. L1 decided not to go at all. Skiing is just not his thing. He has broken his arm 3 times before (not skiing) but I think the thought of flying down a hill on two thin pieces of fiberglass and possibly breaking an arm is not very comforting for him. Anyway, L2 and I snowboarded and G skied. U. Steve and MaryJean met us there for a day on the slopes. Here they are with the boys.

It was a really nice day, in the 50's with beautiful sunny skies. The kids had a great day. It is amazing how well they do with only getting on the slopes once a year. I have a video of each of the boys today and just as soon as I can figure out how to upload them, I will. (grumble grumble that my video will just not ever upload!!!)

I have decided that my body is revolting against this type of activity. Yes, I have tried skiing, but I am much better and have more fun snowboarding. I also think I do a pretty good job for a 44 yr old woman who just started snowboarding about 6 years ago (which means I have been 6 times). It comes back pretty quickly, kind of like riding a bike, and I do think I have a minor amount of improvement from one year to the next. However, recovering from a fall seems to get harder and cause longer lasting pain each year as well. Ibuprofen has become my snow buddy! Anyway, here is a picture of L2 and I at the bottom of a run.

L1 stayed home with Gramma & Grampa, U. Bill and A. Linda. They went for a tour of Red Rocks Amphitheatre and just hung out. Here is a picture of him with A. Linda and Gramma. You can tell where he got his height.

Not sure what we are doing tomorrow. I will probably be in traction at this point!

Peace Out!

Update: OK, here is the video of G. Hopefully it works and I can do the one of L2.

Untitled from Melanie Kerschbaum on Vimeo.

And L2. Ignore the fall at the beginning, he hit a rut!

Untitled from Melanie Kerschbaum on Vimeo.

Monday, March 16, 2009

On the Road Again...

Well, we made it to Colorado on Sunday, after a two day, seventeen hour trip in the suburban! What joy, what family closeness, such bonding! Yeah, right! We have a full car load that is for sure. 2 adults, 3 sons (one as big as an adult) and 2 dogs, besides all the luggage, snacks, cooler with drinks and dog paraphenalia.

Poor Dudley is not going to fit in the car much longer either. Here is a picture of him in the car, on the floor between the seats. Doesn't he look comfortable?

Jitter, at 3 lbs., can fit anywhere!! Here she is sleeping on top of L2 in the back seat.

They were both great travelers and Dudley has not had a single accident either in the car, in the dog friendly hotel, or at Gramma's house!

The first day and a half we have mostly just been relaxing out of the car and visiting. I have gone for 2 mile walks each day (up and down the mountain) to get myself acclimated to the thin air. We tried to take the kids on a 3 plus hour hike today, but none of them were up for it, so we skipped it for now. Two of hubby's brothers and their wives and 3 more dogs also came to visit. This family is full of dog lovers.

Tomorrow we are headed to the Loveland ski area for some fun. Hopefully, I will get some good pictures and post those tomorrow. Hubby is not going to ski, as his knee and back have really been giving him grief. L2 and I will snowboard and L1 and G will ski. It is hard to get really good when you only get on the slopes once a year, but it's still a lot of fun. I'm all for visiting snow, I just don't want to live in it. Do you think a day of snowboarding counts as a replacement for biking 50 minutes?

G&G live in Evergreen, on ten acres on top of a mountain at about 8000 feet elevation. They have lots of wildlife that come to eat at various feeders they put out. It is amazing how tame they are. Just take a look for yourself.

At one point, there were 17 deer being hand fed by L2.

Alright, I have to go and play a huge family game of Uno now. Peace out.


Friday, March 13, 2009

Harder than it looks

I have come to the conclusion that doing a blog is much harder than it looks. I want to give big kudos to blogs I love that are updated on a daily basis, like One Breath at a Time, Big Mama and My Charming Kids. Since I have never been a journal writer, therefore, not used to writing on a daily basis, I just run out of things to say. This strikes me as ironic since I usually can't stop talking. I feel like I am letting people down when I don't post. Anyway, other than a bunch of interesting cases lately, not much has been going on other than every day life. The weather here stinks right now. It is cold and rainy. My kids are starting their spring break tomorrow and we are headed to Colorado to see the grandparents and to ski a few days. I am glad to be leaving the cold spell here. The forecast for Denver is in the 50's-60's the whole week, warmer than in Texas, go figure! We can't leave until after L1 takes his SAT's tomorrow morning. I hope he does well. I remember well that milestone in my life. I was so nervous. I only took it once and my score was far from stellar, but I got into the one and only school I wanted to go to, which was Purdue, the only college in Indiana with a vet school. Nowadays, they have prep classes, tutoring, all number of books on how to take the SAT and it is usually taken several times. Many scholarships are based on your scores and it just seems like so much pressure. I am glad to be done with that part of my life. In fact, I am really embracing the stage of my life I am in right now. I will be 45 this year, and it doesn't bother me at all. I feel great for my age. I am thankful for how active I am and I think physically, I am in the most fit shape I have ever been. I am happy to be done with kids in elementary school, and I am looking forward to the excitement L1 will have in going off to college in another year. I still love my husband, my best friend, after being married for almost 22 years. We still enjoy spending time together and I look forward to the time we will hopefully have for many years to come. I say hopefully because, now in my 40's, I do know several people who have lost a spouse to death, not divorce, and that is something you never have knowledge or control over, so all you can do is make the most of every day. I don't know that I am so successful at doing that, but when I stop and think of my life, I am thankful for all that I have right now. So, I guess this turned into a fairly "deep" post. But, now I must leave the comfort of my favorite chair and my snugly blankie (and NO...it is NOT a Snuggie) and finish the dreadful packing. The only thing worse than packing for a vacation is the unpacking you have to do when you get back. So, I will leave you with a couple of pictures of me that a technician friend of mine took during surgery and sent to me that she titled...'The different sides of you.'

This is me during a very intense intestinal foreign body surgery

This is me relaxing a bit in the recovery area between surgeries

This is me when surgery is over and the pressure is off

If I don't get a chance to post this week, have a great week everyone! Peace and blessings!


Monday, March 9, 2009

Riding for a cure!

Well, it's almost that time again! Time for me to bike from Houston to Austin (180 miles) to raise money for the cure for MS. I have ridden in an MS 150 five times now. I started doing the ride to honor my surgery professor from vet school. He had the disease while I was in vet school and yet he was there every day, teaching students how to do surgery. He died about 10 years after I graduated. After that first ride, I discovered how many people I know are personally affected by MS, either themselves or a family member. So, now I ride in honor of someone new every year, but also all the others I have ridden for in the past as well. The ride this year is April 18-19, 2009.

About MS
Multiple sclerosis is a progressive neurological disorder that affects people in many different ways. It could be paralysis one day, loss of vision the next or impaired memory the day after that. Living with MS means living with uncertainty.

When it comes to MS, only two things are certain:
Another American is diagnosed every hour of every day and
Many people are joining the movement toward a world free of MS including me.

Why I Ride

I've registered for the BP MS 150 to fulfill a personal challenge, and also to help the National MS Society fund research, advocate for change and to help people with MS and their families lead powerful lives. I believe in the work they do and want to be part of it.

Let’s Move Forward Together
The Society’s chapters organize 100 Bike MS events nationwide. The BP MS 150 ride is the largest non-profit event of its kind in North America with 13,000 cyclists, 3,000 volunteers and countless supporters and spectators. They’re great fun and the funds they raise go toward research aimed at treating and eventually curing MS. They also provide education, information, direct financial aid and scholarships to individuals and families living with MS.

I’m helping the National MS Society move forward toward a world without MS.

Please join me!

Here is a link to my fundraising site if you would like to donate.


Thank you for your support!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Catching Up

Wow, time goes by so fast, I am just amazed sometimes. I mean we are already in the third month of 2009! Anyway, I have been so busy since feeling better! I had a busy week of surgeries, and yes, I DO plan on blogging about them, I just haven't gotten all the pictures of them in one place yet. I'm working on it...I promise!! Tuesday, I was on my bike trainer while watching The Biggest Loser. I think it is completely ridiculous that they can't finish an episode in 2 hours! The episode has to be continued!! Come on!! Really?
Thursday was the wild card episode of American Idol. And yes, that is part of my being busy, watching all these DVR'd reality shows!! Anyway, can I just say I am COMPLETELY excited that they decided to make it a top 13 so that Anoop Desai could make it through!! I just love his voice and his personality. I was also so happy that they cut Tatiana, the most annoying person in the world!! I am not really too impressed with the girl talent this season and really didn't feel excited that any of them made it through the wild card round. Seriously, Lil Rounds is THE most talented girl and Danny Gokey is THE most talented guy, so they are my picks for top two.

I wanted to wish my dear ole Dad a happy birthday on here. He was 69 on Friday, 3/6/09! Dad, I can't believe you are 69 because you certainly look great and are very healthy and active for being in the last year of your 60's!! IF I were in Indiana, I would have gone to the opera with you!! I'm really looking forward to your visit at the end of the month!! Anyway, I hope I age as slowly and I love you!!

Friday, I spent the day cleaning my house. Well, that is relative actually, because I am really NOT a good housekeeper. I don't get it either, I mean, my dad is quite clean, my mom is a SUPERB housekeeper, and my sister has her own housecleaning business. I, on the other hand, have to have 24 hours notice if I am going to have someone come to my house because that is how long it would take me to make it respectable enough for a visitor! Why didn't I get the clean gene? Now that I think about it, I am also super active in sports and none of my immediate family is into sports of any kind. I think I must be adopted! I just happen to look an awful lot like my adopted mom! Anyway, I would LOVE to have a maid! However, there are two reasons why it is probably never going to happen. First off, my hubby would NEVER let me pay someone to clean for us. He just doesn't believe in hired help of any kind. He is MR. DIY all the way! And secondly, did you know you have to clean in order to have a maid? Seriously, you have to have everything picked up first in order for them to be able to clean. That's just too much to ask!! If I could get my boys to clean their rooms enough for a maid, then who needs a maid?

Saturday was a great day!! First off, it was beautiful and sunny and warm. I think spring is definitely becoming summer very quickly here in Texas. Anyway, Saturday morning I got up at 6 am and met up with other members of the tri club to go for an organized bike ride in Baytown. We did the 43 mile route. It felt good to get back out there again. Most of the ride was pretty good, but it was rather windy, especially heading back, so the last 5 miles were a bit brutal. I came home and got some yard work done and then I had the night to myself because hubby and L2 went to the lake for the weekend, L1 was spending the night at an overnight birthday party and G was at a friends house. I love having all my guys around, but sometimes when I have the evening to myself, it is pure bliss. I skyped with a friend E, in Italy for over two hours, then I got to watch a chick flick with no background noise and no complaints. I rented Mamma Mia and OMG, it was fantastic! If you love musicals and you haven't seen it, I HIGHLY recommend it! And, even though I agree that Pierce Brosnan isn't the best singer, he played the role beautifully. I was very impressed with how well Meryl Streep sang and it is said that she even did one of the longer, solo numbers in just one take up on a Greek mountain. The whole movie just made me smile from ear to ear the whole time and it also brought back memories from elementary school when ABBA's music was very big.

Today was DST change. I HATE DST! I am from Indiana, and when I was growing up, they did not have DST. They do now of course, but I just can't get used to losing an hour in the spring forward mode. So, of course, after staying up late last night watching my chick flick, I slept in even extra late this morning with losing the hour. I did my 5 mile run today and it wasn't my best time since I am just back into my training this week, but it wasn't too bad. At least, I am back on track. The whole family spent the evening watching the Amazing Race. Thank goodness for some good wholesome family shows still being around. Anyway, L1 and I like the deaf son and his mother team (Luke and Margie) and I also like the little guy stuntmen/brother team. I am not sure they are going to be in it much longer though as they seem to get lost and have quite a few "blond" moments.

Speaking of L1, I don't think I have mentioned that he is very talented at poetry. He is very prolific and has enough original material to publish a book of poetry already. He is very, very good at it, and I don't think I am just saying that because I am his mother. His dad and I are always telling him he should publish them, and also that he could be a writer or a lyricist, but he keeps insisting that he just writes for himself and his friends and family. Anyway, I wanted to give you an example of one he wrote just this week and posted on his facebook page. Here it is.

Where I End And You Begin
copyright 2009

Love blessed spring caresses day
Slumber's shadows break away
My heart beats once, then once again
Where I end and you begin.

Soft bright summer breezes blow
Blossom's splendid gala shows
Enticing fire does passion send
Where I end and you begin.

Reluctant autumn severs all
Green to gray transition calls
A promise binds, new birth portends
Where I end and you begin.

Let winter's night my heart excise
Evening folds in day's demise
Infused my soul you live within
Where I end and you begin.

"Love is a series of feelings. All of them...wonderful." =)
Hope you liked it (L1)

So, tell me everybody, what did you think?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm back!

Well, it has been a very rough couple of weeks. I can't say I am 100% over the bronchitis yet, but I feel better, and that is 90% of the battle right there. Not being able to work out for over a week has made me feel very anxious about where I am at in my training with regards to my race coming up in April. I rode my bike on the trainer yesterday for an hour and today, I went for my first run. I wasn't strong, but didn't have the setback that I thought I would have after being off so long. So, onward and upward and hopefully I will get squared away by the weekend.

This past weekend I slept more than I have in a whole week and I felt like a slug, but I did manage to go and watch the boys' hockey play-offs in between comas naps. They played Saturday night and L2 was on fire! He scored the first 6 goals of the night, plus added another one later. I don't know if they have a special name for a double hat trick, but they won 10-0 in a total blow-out! Everyone kept asking us what we fed L2 that night. He didn't want to shower or change because he didn't want to lose his "magic". Um, 13 year old sweaty hockey player without a shower....and church the next morning...I think NOT! So, they played the number one team on Sunday and it was a really good game. L2 was not quite as magical, but the game was very close and if not for the refs poor and unbalanced calls, they may have even won. As it was, they lost 4-2. G had an awesome game on defense and really helped keep the score close.

In other news, this has been going to work with me everyday.

He is 10 weeks old and weighs 31 # already! He is about 3 weeks ahead of Huck in his weight. He is a very happy guy and he and Huck just love playing with each other. I love having them and the crates continue to keep everyone safe and happy!

Even though I have been sick, I have been busy busy at work. I have had lots of interesting cases lately and I plan on posting about some of them over the coming days. I am never sure about the gore factor with the general public though. Some of the cases that I find extremely challenging and interesting are definitely quite graphic and bloody. I guess I can just forewarn and you can choose to look or not.

Last night, the final episode of the Bachelor was on. What a huge HUGE disappointment. I don't know why after so many seasons of failure, I still hope that they find true love. I was so happy when Jason chose Melissa, the Dallas gal. I thought they were a perfect match, then comes the final rose ceremony and he ditches her and asks Molly for another chance. I just wanted to throw up! Molly should have told him to take a flying leap. I can't for the life of me figure out why he did what he did to Melissa and can't help but wonder if he won't do the same thing again in another 6 weeks and decide that he should have stayed with Melissa afterall. At any rate, the good news is, that is one show I will not be wasting my time on EVER again. I'll just watch romantic comedies to see people fall in love and have happy endings.

Well, that is enough rambling for tonight. I am off to do some much needed catch up on housework and laundry! Good times, yes indeed!