Monday, April 6, 2009


L1 was inducted into NHS tonight. I was so proud of him. It is a very high honor, especially in Kingwood, where competition is so high. His father is out of town on business, so I went with camera in hand to represent! Just as he was being escorted to the stage I turned on the camera and....nothing, nada, dead. I suddenly notice that it feels kind of light. I turn it over and open the batteries. L2 had taken a bunch of pictures of the dogs, the fence, himself, etc. over the weekend and he ran the batteries down. He took them out to recharge them and I never noticed when I picked the camera up. ARRGGGHHHHH! So, after the induction ceremony there was a little reception. I frantically searched around for another parent I knew and upon finding one, begged for a couple of batteries so I could at least get a few shots of my charming son and his certificate to commemorate the evening. Who am I kidding? I totally wanted them for my blog and here they are:

L1 and his spiffy certificate.

L1 and proud mama.

L1 and girlfriend S, who was also inducted into NHS.

Aren't they so cute?

So, that was my evening and now, I am ready to watch some Dancing with the Stars!

Peace Out!


  1. They are very cute and both NHS' so cute and smart! Congrats L1 and S way to go.

  2. Luke! How much did you have to pay her to go out with you?She is a real qutee.Love Grandpa Carroll

    P.S. You know I'm kidding...doncha?
