Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words..

or at least one blog entry. I'm running short on time today, so thought I would show a few random pictures of my boys that make me smile.

Did you know that Prince Charming had a cell phone? This is L1 as Prince Charming in Cinderella a couple seasons ago. Isn't he so handsome?

I am sending this one to Big Mama for her next Fashion Friday blog. G has always been a super sharp dresser!

There's playing in the mud...

and then, there's just plain wallowing IN THE MUD! We actually had to throw out absolutely everything on his body. He had to strip down outside, get hosed off and then go inside for a shower!

Life with 3 boys, it's never dull, that's for sure!

1 comment:

  1. We have this huge hill next to our house and Patrick the 8 year old loves to play on it. He got so muddy one day we had to do the same thing except we couldn't hose him down it was really cold outside but had to get rid of all of his outer wear! And yes L1 is VERY handsome!
