Sunday, March 8, 2009

Catching Up

Wow, time goes by so fast, I am just amazed sometimes. I mean we are already in the third month of 2009! Anyway, I have been so busy since feeling better! I had a busy week of surgeries, and yes, I DO plan on blogging about them, I just haven't gotten all the pictures of them in one place yet. I'm working on it...I promise!! Tuesday, I was on my bike trainer while watching The Biggest Loser. I think it is completely ridiculous that they can't finish an episode in 2 hours! The episode has to be continued!! Come on!! Really?
Thursday was the wild card episode of American Idol. And yes, that is part of my being busy, watching all these DVR'd reality shows!! Anyway, can I just say I am COMPLETELY excited that they decided to make it a top 13 so that Anoop Desai could make it through!! I just love his voice and his personality. I was also so happy that they cut Tatiana, the most annoying person in the world!! I am not really too impressed with the girl talent this season and really didn't feel excited that any of them made it through the wild card round. Seriously, Lil Rounds is THE most talented girl and Danny Gokey is THE most talented guy, so they are my picks for top two.

I wanted to wish my dear ole Dad a happy birthday on here. He was 69 on Friday, 3/6/09! Dad, I can't believe you are 69 because you certainly look great and are very healthy and active for being in the last year of your 60's!! IF I were in Indiana, I would have gone to the opera with you!! I'm really looking forward to your visit at the end of the month!! Anyway, I hope I age as slowly and I love you!!

Friday, I spent the day cleaning my house. Well, that is relative actually, because I am really NOT a good housekeeper. I don't get it either, I mean, my dad is quite clean, my mom is a SUPERB housekeeper, and my sister has her own housecleaning business. I, on the other hand, have to have 24 hours notice if I am going to have someone come to my house because that is how long it would take me to make it respectable enough for a visitor! Why didn't I get the clean gene? Now that I think about it, I am also super active in sports and none of my immediate family is into sports of any kind. I think I must be adopted! I just happen to look an awful lot like my adopted mom! Anyway, I would LOVE to have a maid! However, there are two reasons why it is probably never going to happen. First off, my hubby would NEVER let me pay someone to clean for us. He just doesn't believe in hired help of any kind. He is MR. DIY all the way! And secondly, did you know you have to clean in order to have a maid? Seriously, you have to have everything picked up first in order for them to be able to clean. That's just too much to ask!! If I could get my boys to clean their rooms enough for a maid, then who needs a maid?

Saturday was a great day!! First off, it was beautiful and sunny and warm. I think spring is definitely becoming summer very quickly here in Texas. Anyway, Saturday morning I got up at 6 am and met up with other members of the tri club to go for an organized bike ride in Baytown. We did the 43 mile route. It felt good to get back out there again. Most of the ride was pretty good, but it was rather windy, especially heading back, so the last 5 miles were a bit brutal. I came home and got some yard work done and then I had the night to myself because hubby and L2 went to the lake for the weekend, L1 was spending the night at an overnight birthday party and G was at a friends house. I love having all my guys around, but sometimes when I have the evening to myself, it is pure bliss. I skyped with a friend E, in Italy for over two hours, then I got to watch a chick flick with no background noise and no complaints. I rented Mamma Mia and OMG, it was fantastic! If you love musicals and you haven't seen it, I HIGHLY recommend it! And, even though I agree that Pierce Brosnan isn't the best singer, he played the role beautifully. I was very impressed with how well Meryl Streep sang and it is said that she even did one of the longer, solo numbers in just one take up on a Greek mountain. The whole movie just made me smile from ear to ear the whole time and it also brought back memories from elementary school when ABBA's music was very big.

Today was DST change. I HATE DST! I am from Indiana, and when I was growing up, they did not have DST. They do now of course, but I just can't get used to losing an hour in the spring forward mode. So, of course, after staying up late last night watching my chick flick, I slept in even extra late this morning with losing the hour. I did my 5 mile run today and it wasn't my best time since I am just back into my training this week, but it wasn't too bad. At least, I am back on track. The whole family spent the evening watching the Amazing Race. Thank goodness for some good wholesome family shows still being around. Anyway, L1 and I like the deaf son and his mother team (Luke and Margie) and I also like the little guy stuntmen/brother team. I am not sure they are going to be in it much longer though as they seem to get lost and have quite a few "blond" moments.

Speaking of L1, I don't think I have mentioned that he is very talented at poetry. He is very prolific and has enough original material to publish a book of poetry already. He is very, very good at it, and I don't think I am just saying that because I am his mother. His dad and I are always telling him he should publish them, and also that he could be a writer or a lyricist, but he keeps insisting that he just writes for himself and his friends and family. Anyway, I wanted to give you an example of one he wrote just this week and posted on his facebook page. Here it is.

Where I End And You Begin
copyright 2009

Love blessed spring caresses day
Slumber's shadows break away
My heart beats once, then once again
Where I end and you begin.

Soft bright summer breezes blow
Blossom's splendid gala shows
Enticing fire does passion send
Where I end and you begin.

Reluctant autumn severs all
Green to gray transition calls
A promise binds, new birth portends
Where I end and you begin.

Let winter's night my heart excise
Evening folds in day's demise
Infused my soul you live within
Where I end and you begin.

"Love is a series of feelings. All of them...wonderful." =)
Hope you liked it (L1)

So, tell me everybody, what did you think?


  1. M,
    Hi. WOW - I agree, L1 is VERY GOOD! He's so talented in so many ways. Someday, I believe he will be very famous...and we'll have known him "when" ;-)

    Glad you're feeling better and back at it!

  2. Your son is an amazing poet. He does, indeed, need to publish. Beautiful!

    And I'm so glad you're feeling better, M.
