Friday, March 13, 2009

Harder than it looks

I have come to the conclusion that doing a blog is much harder than it looks. I want to give big kudos to blogs I love that are updated on a daily basis, like One Breath at a Time, Big Mama and My Charming Kids. Since I have never been a journal writer, therefore, not used to writing on a daily basis, I just run out of things to say. This strikes me as ironic since I usually can't stop talking. I feel like I am letting people down when I don't post. Anyway, other than a bunch of interesting cases lately, not much has been going on other than every day life. The weather here stinks right now. It is cold and rainy. My kids are starting their spring break tomorrow and we are headed to Colorado to see the grandparents and to ski a few days. I am glad to be leaving the cold spell here. The forecast for Denver is in the 50's-60's the whole week, warmer than in Texas, go figure! We can't leave until after L1 takes his SAT's tomorrow morning. I hope he does well. I remember well that milestone in my life. I was so nervous. I only took it once and my score was far from stellar, but I got into the one and only school I wanted to go to, which was Purdue, the only college in Indiana with a vet school. Nowadays, they have prep classes, tutoring, all number of books on how to take the SAT and it is usually taken several times. Many scholarships are based on your scores and it just seems like so much pressure. I am glad to be done with that part of my life. In fact, I am really embracing the stage of my life I am in right now. I will be 45 this year, and it doesn't bother me at all. I feel great for my age. I am thankful for how active I am and I think physically, I am in the most fit shape I have ever been. I am happy to be done with kids in elementary school, and I am looking forward to the excitement L1 will have in going off to college in another year. I still love my husband, my best friend, after being married for almost 22 years. We still enjoy spending time together and I look forward to the time we will hopefully have for many years to come. I say hopefully because, now in my 40's, I do know several people who have lost a spouse to death, not divorce, and that is something you never have knowledge or control over, so all you can do is make the most of every day. I don't know that I am so successful at doing that, but when I stop and think of my life, I am thankful for all that I have right now. So, I guess this turned into a fairly "deep" post. But, now I must leave the comfort of my favorite chair and my snugly blankie (and is NOT a Snuggie) and finish the dreadful packing. The only thing worse than packing for a vacation is the unpacking you have to do when you get back. So, I will leave you with a couple of pictures of me that a technician friend of mine took during surgery and sent to me that she titled...'The different sides of you.'

This is me during a very intense intestinal foreign body surgery

This is me relaxing a bit in the recovery area between surgeries

This is me when surgery is over and the pressure is off

If I don't get a chance to post this week, have a great week everyone! Peace and blessings!



  1. Awww! Where in Colorado? We live in Littleton!

    I wouldn't worry about blogging's so hard to do! You have a lot going on.

    I love that you are a vet. We have owned a pet store (which is sadly closing now) Don't worry...we didn't sell dogs or cats. We did adoptions and rescue. We LOVED our store and we did a lot to find animals homes...but anyhow...a couple of our employees are vet techs and we visit our vet constantly!!! Our lab had lepto and has renal failure and our precious three year old Golden has torn MCL's (vet said he has NEVER seen a dogs shoulder move that way!) It's nuts. I just have so much admiration for what you do..and I lovethe pictures!

  2. Hey Dr. M. . .Have a great time in Colorado. Relax and get some rest.

  3. Hey M!

    Hope you're having the best time with your guys in CO. I know your idea of being on the piste isn't quite the same as mine! ;-)

    The MS150 link isn't working, at least, not when I tried it ... Found you on the main MS website though and have donated. Catch up soon!

  4. Hey Juliana,

    We are in Evergreen. So sorry you had to close your pet store. It sounds like a great one and we could have visited on the way home maybe!

    Sorry to hear about your lab and golden. We have had our fair share of problems too. Lepto can be some nasty stuff. I even know of a tech that died from lepto they acquired at work.

    Thanks for reading!!

