Sunday, February 22, 2009

Come on...cough it up!

Can I just say that my ribs, my back and my stomach muscles are killing me? They are, and NOT from a great work-out either, but from almost non-stop coughing for the past week. You know the saying, coughing up a lung? Well, I will be pictured in the encyclopedia next to that term's entry in the next edition of Britannica. I must say that I am well known for having a cough that sounds like an 80 yr old, 4 packs a day smoker, and it is really annoying, not only to everyone else, particularly my husband, but to me also. I was once asked to leave a meeting because I was coughing so much, nobody could speak loud enough to be heard. Pretty embarrassing really! Needless to say, I didn't make it to church today because I didn't want Pastor Al to have to stop the sermon and ask me to leave! I seem to get this cough usually just once a year, thank goodness, but it always seems to last for a couple of weeks. I don't go to the doctor for it, I just deal with it till my family and my throat/muscles can no longer handle it, then I just take Mucinex to try and clear it up. I am not a huge fan of medication, despite my profession. I think I touched on this when L1 was sick and I was hesitant to put him on antibiotics (and by the way, he was better on his own in 3 days). So, here is hoping that this will be the last week of it and that the Mucinex does its job! It's really hard to run and bike when you are coughing up a lung!!

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