Friday, February 13, 2009

No swim for him

Well, it is official, L1 missed the prelims of the regional swim meet today at U of H. He was still running a fever at 7 pm last night of 102.5. I called his coach and they were going to give his spot to an alternate. That kids prayers were answered and I hope whoever he is, he does well. L1 seems to be taking it in stride though I am sure he is bummed inside. Isn't it just Murphy's law that a kid who never gets sick, would catch a virus at just this time? Have I told you before that I hate Murphy? Anyway, he is feeling better today and woke up with a temp of 99.1, so yeah for that. Hopefully, he will be good as new by the time school starts on Tuesday. He hates that he missed 3 days of school already, which means lots of make-up work, but thank goodness he gets an extra day of recovery this weekend with having Monday off for Presidents Day. I will say that I was pretty perturbed yesterday at the doctors office when I called to get him in and they said they couldn't see him. No appointments, nope, not with his regular doctor, nor any of the 8 other doctors there! As a veterinarian, if we turned away a dog that was sick, I don't think people would come back to us. Especially, if it was a client that we have had for over 10 years, like L1 has been going to his same pediatrician for over 10 years! It is just like my friend J recently said, doctors treat you like a number, not a person. I miss those bygone days of small communities where everyone felt like family and you felt that you really mattered.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh. . .I'm so sorry to hear that L1 was unable to participate in the swim meet. That really sucks! Poor guy. I'm glad he's feeling better, though. I really think the medical community in the Houston area leaves something to be desired. What a shame they can't be more interested in their patients. Bummer.

    I'm totally excited about Sunday, however! Can hardly wait!
